

Thursday 19 September 2013

Welcome newbie.

NEWBIE (^_^)"
Come back after rest from any kind of social network. Ooh gosh, I think i just being like 'katak bawah gelas kaca' instead of 'katak bawah tempurung'. You know when bawah tempurung is not like you can see everything around your environment but when you under the glasses, mean you can see everything clearly but you don't try it. Come on, we are already in 2013, move on la beb. Naa.. it's all about myself away from social network just for a quit little while **(it's actually almost one year i think) 

Just forget about that because I already have my own excuse. (chuckles...) 
Because of my device not enough intelligent to keeping my blog updated so much as I want then it just remain the same like last year.
Ouh.. the topic is welcome newbie then whatsoever I merepek kan. Then here I am. 
The welcoming title also for my new semester, new University, new friend, new lecturer, new campus with new environment. Yeahh.. it's like a good thing for me than move on beb. 
The very awkward moment is when you in new school / new college/ new class/ new workplace and whatsoever. Everything new is a good thing but the most awkward is you must start all over again among stranger **(new classmate). 
and the good thing for me is I got my friend from same college before and we are in same University but not in the same course. But it's okay because we can really connect each others. *(cehh.. mcm kapel la pulok)
From Diploma in Software Development then further to Bachelor Software Engineering. Nama course tu yang nampak hebat and the reality is I am the person who don't know to setup my own lappy. (Okay tak kelakar sebab mostly student software Engineering *(girls only tapi tak semua) don't know the best way to taking care for own laptop. Belum cakap nak format lappy lagi. 
Then here I am as a student degree at UNIKL MIIT. 

Till we meet again. assalamulaikum. 

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